Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Brush Those Pearly Whites

...correctly.  Most people think "well, I may not be the best brusher there is, but at least I am doing it."  Which, yes, if you are brushing regularly you can consider yourself a member of "the good side" of about half the population.  (check out these stats on tooth brushing... crazy).  However, if you are not doing it properly, you may need to work on your technique. That's right, there is a right and wrong way of brushing.  So, not only do you have to do it multiple times a day, you have to do it correctly to be effective.  Teeth are high maintenance! 
Take a look at this infographic. In it, you will see there there is a perfect number of times a day to brush, a certain angle for your toothbrush, a certain motion, a certain strength, a certain type of brush... and flossing is even brought into the routine. Braces or not, these techniques are standard to everyone. WHEW!  Seems like a lot to remember, right? Well, just like anything else that you practice, after a while these techniques will be a habit and you won't even have to think about them.   
So, take a look and if your technique mirrors any of these you may need a little game-changing.  Truth is, improper brushing has been known to cause long-term problems including gum recession, chronic bad breath, and staining, just to name a few from the long list of problems that can result.
Long story short, if you are a habitual brusher, then good for you.  Give yourself a pat on the back for doing what almost half of the population has trouble doing.  But, before you give yourself a full-on back rub, just take a look at your technique.  Because even though teeth can be high maintenance, they are pretty worth it because without them, we might look a little funny...

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